Products Archive By `DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin)`
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DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin)
The controlled and guaranteed designation of origin, known by the acronym DOCG, is an Italian brand that indicates to the consumer the geographical origin of a wine. The DOCG are reserved for wines already recognized as a controlled designation of origin (DOC) for at least ten years which are considered of particular value, in relation to the intrinsic qualitative characteristics, compared to the average of those of similar wines thus classified, due to the incidence of traditional natural, human and historical factors and which have acquired renown and commercial valorisation at a national and international level. These wines, before being put on the market, must be subjected during the production phase to a preliminary chemical-physical analysis and an organoleptic examination which certifies compliance with the requirements set out in the specifications; Furthermore, the organoleptic test must be repeated, batch by batch, even during the bottling phase. Finally, for DOCG wines, a sensorial analysis (tasting) carried out by a special commission is also envisaged; failure to comply with the requirements prevents it from being marketed under the DOCG brand.