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The Soledòr Agricultural Company was born in 2019, from a sincere love for our generous Apulian lands, which boast a wide range of agricultural products, in our case the olive tree and the almond tree that have always been present since the time of our grandparents. Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, the fruits retain all the properties useful for our daily well-being. Young and dynamic company, we try every day As a company, to satisfy customer requests as much as possible, highlighting the pride of made in Italy in terms of quality, service and price. From years of experience in Import Export and Brokerage services for different companies all over, we are able to provide and advise as well as take care of almost all fruit and vegetable products. We are an import-export trading company based in the Puglia region in southern Italy. Our company aims to find and supply our customers with the best quality food, fruit, vegetables and drinks from the Italian and global market. Our mission is to find the best products for our customers with the highest quality and at the best price from reliable suppliers. Our main source of inspiration is the Mediterranean diet with a special focus on Italian products. Our vision is to expand our business into other business sectors in the near future with the collaboration of possible potential distributors or importers.

Il negozio Soledòr è stato creato appositamente per dare confort agli appassionati del cibo Italiano, non che Pugliese. Dare una comodità nel ordinare e scegliere i vari prodotti di qualità artigianale e famigliare. I nostri prodotti Soledòr abbracciano una vasta gamma di qualità made in Italy, dal Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Pugliese ed esclusivamente di coltivar famigliare con più di 40 ettari di produzione annua, alla Pasta artigianale con farina prodotta e grano coltivato di propria azienda famigliare di circa 25 ettari, ai vari articoli variegati e sottoli e salse artigianale. Abbiamo Mandorle di propria produzione e Olive da mensa. L’unica cosa di cui ci stiamo impegnando ad importare e commercializzare e la vanilla di alta gamma per gli appassionati dolciari ed industrie non che dolcifici. Godete dal nostro negozio Italiano, e solo.

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