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Shipping Policy

Shipping is paid by the manufacturer.

Refund Policy

If the customer detects a manufacturing defect in the object, he or she must represent it within 24 hours of receiving the item and, after verification, the manufacturer will be available to refund the purchase.

If the defect is proven, the return costs will be borne by the manufacturer.

No returns are made for personalized items.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

The creations of the Peppino Capuano Jewelery are made exclusively by hand therefore there may be small variations in the weight and measurements present in the description.

We will proceed with any exchange/return only in the case of an object that is dissimilar to the one inserted on the My Italian Product portal.

Cancellation of the order is accepted up to the moment of shipment, if cancellation is requested anyway, shipping costs will be borne by the buyer.

The return and exchange of the product are permitted only after verification of non-use of the same.

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