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The Impact of Marketplaces on Made in Italy E-commerce: A Global Perspective

E-commerce is revolutionizing the global commercial landscape, and Italy, with its renowned Made in Italy, is playing a fundamental role in this transformation. In the context of this digital revolution, eRetailers and Marketplaces emerge as key players, contributing to the development of e-commerce and the growth of Digital Export. A deeper look into this phenomenon reveals the crucial role that marketplaces play in changing the dynamics of online commerce.

Marketplace Dominance in Inspiring Purchase Choices

eRetailers and Marketplaces are no longer simple intermediaries; they have become the primary guides in product searches, surpassing even traditional search engines. This change is the result of an evolution in consumer behavior, 80% of which wants to move from the inspiration phase to purchase in the shortest time possible.

Italian e-commerce is benefiting significantly from this trend, with Digital Export representing 8.8% of total exports of consumer products in 2022, recording growth of +20% compared to the previous year. These numbers clearly indicate that Marketplaces have become the main channel for Italian businesses aiming to expand globally.

Accelerate Business Through Marketplaces

To grow their business, Italian companies must aim for international visibility. In this process, Marketplaces present themselves as fundamental tools to accelerate visibility and innovation in the e-commerce and retail sector. In addition to providing international online channels, Marketplaces offer the possibility of exploiting Artificial Intelligence and new technologies to improve the Customer Experience and build a brand reputation based on economic sustainability.

The Key Role of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies

The main marketplaces hold the majority of shares in Digital Retail, highlighted by the notable increase in spending in Retail Media Adv. The use of Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Media Retail and Influencers is shaping online purchasing choices. Companies must be aware of these dynamics and adopt innovative marketing strategies that exploit new technologies to create engaging and personalized shopping experiences.

The Perspective of Italian Consumers

Recent research conducted by Miravia reveals that Italians, especially under 45 years of age, are well aware of the characteristics linked to the personalization and virtualization of the shopping experience. The 88% of them knows these features, while the 51% uses the virtual try-on before purchasing products in the beauty or fashion sector. Artificial Intelligence, chatbots and other advanced technologies are considered essential to improve customer service and further personalize the shopping experience.

In conclusion, the combination of Italian e-commerce, marketplaces and new technologies is creating an unprecedented opportunity for Made in Italy businesses. Through smart strategies and effective use of emerging technologies, Italian companies can take full advantage of the digital revolution and thrive in the global market.

To find out more about how Italian companies are embracing Digital Export and the crucial role of Marketplaces, read the original article on Netcomm.

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